Aerial of Conch Key. Photo taken by the Federal Government on October 7, 1987. From the Wright Langley Collection.
Little Conch Key, near mile marker 62.2, is also known as Walker’s Island.
Referenced in 1849 by F.W. Gerdes, in his “Reconnaissance of the Florida Reefs and All the Keys”, “The first islands between Duck Key and Viper Id. [Long Key] are named Conch Keys.” included are Walker Key, or Little Conch Key which is the smaller Key farther west.
There were few residents on the island until about 1952, with the building of the Coral Shores School (the first public school outside of Key West), which brought about a population boom.
Conch Key and Little Conch Key (to the south-west) make up the Conch Keys. Little Conch Key also is known as Walker’s Island was first inhabited by Paul Walker in 1946. There is little to no evidence early Native Americans inhabited these islands.
Other names for Conch Key include Coral Key and Little Conch Key.